Gohan Beast proceeds to annihilate Cell Max’s core and destroy the energy ball he was forming, all through the use of a huge Special Beam Cannon. Given that Gohan Beast takes a full-on hit from Cell Max and is completely unfazed, it’s fair to say that this new form is immensely powerful. RELATED: How Was Cell Max Created? | Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Explained
The sight of his revered mentor being killed by Cell Max unleashed his new power, like watching Android 16’s death did previously. Like with the aforementioned transformations that Gohan underwent, and in a very similar manner to his Super Saiyan 2 power-up, Gohan’s power was triggered by traumatic anger.

Gohan achieves Gohan Beast when he sees Piccolo seemingly die in the battle against Cell Max. Toriyama also said he isn’t sure what kind of design he’ll make if he ever decides to give Gohan further forms. Toriyama felt this didn’t feel like Gohan, and instead opted for bigger and more upturned hair instead.
To reflect this history, Gohan Beast is more primal and wild in design.Īccording to series creator Akira Toriyama (and translated by Twitter user Todd Blankenship), the original design for Gohan Beast had paler skin and a scary face. Early in the Saiyan Saga, Gohan’s power would spike when he got angry, and his tail made him transform into a Great Ape while he was training under Piccolo. Unlike the more straightforward Super Saiyan God forms, this one is based on Gohan’s more animalistic transformations that he had as a child. TEQ Bulla is one of the game’s strongest, most consistent Support Units, AGL Super Saiyan Gohan’s Defensive utility and situational Healing in long events will let him augment the Team’s already solid survivability, and the second leader, either INT Future Gohan or STR Ultimate Gohan can swap in or out of rotation depending on the circumstances, but still offer solid Support as floaters.Gohan Beast is Gohan’s most powerful new form. The off-rotation options all serve different purposes and can easily be swapped into the main rotation should the situation arise.

After his Transformation, TEQ Teen Trunks scales quickly into one of the game’s strongest Defensive options, and Phys Super Saiyan Trunks’ frequent Critical Hits can accelerate the Team’s progression in tough events. The two Trunks units, Phys Super Saiyan Trunks and TEQ Teen Trunks can act as a secondary rotation, letting them act flexibly as an Offensive or Defensive rotation depending on the foe’s behavior. After the first Int Future Gohan transforms, the two share nigh identical Link Sets, resulting in +35% Attack and over 4 Ki distributed to each of them.

The first rotation in this Team Build will be the combination of INT Future Gohan and Phys Super Saiyan Future Gohan, which forms a dynamite Defensive Core that few events in the game can threaten. With Gohan’s +170% Atk Leaderskill and his ability to act as a fantastic Support Unit for the Bond of Master and Disciple Category, which has a lot of overlap with Hybrid Saiyans, this Team can function more smoothly than it ever has. The Hybrid Saiyan category, which has languished in mediocrity thanks to its lack of a solid leader, has finally reclaimed its former glory thanks to the arrival of UR Heroic Warrior - Gohan (Future) (S.